Rather than do a full-on insane sweep of the house, I opted for an easier idea: We'll get rid of a few boxes each month, either until the end of the year or until our house is clean, whatever comes first. Moving a heap of boxes is a hassle, though. We've got a longstanding relationship with a number of non-profit organizations to whom we like to give extra money and items whenever we can. Because our favorite donation organization, the Massachusetts Vietnam Veterans of America, doesn't do door-to-door pickup in our "new" local area, we opted for our other favorite charity, the Big Brother & Big Sister Foundation. It turned out to be a fabulously successful undertaking... all we needed to do was fill out the form online, have our boxes on the porch for them on the day of the pickup, and Bob's your uncle -- the stuff's out of our lives, and ready to go into the lives of someone who wants them. Best of all, it helps a wonderful organization to do great things! Since the January pickup went over so well, I'm already thinking of what I want to donate next month. I may just decide to tackle the ever-so-nasty Bedroom Closet O' Doom!
Here are a few tips to help you get started donating...
1. The general rule of thumb is that if you haven't used an item within the past year, and you're not sure you'll be using it within the next year, get rid of it!
2. Start small. There's no need to purge every square inch of your living space right away; do it in small, manageable steps. For example, choose a room -- or part of a room, such as getting all the drawers in one dresser -- and get that done first before moving onto another section of your space.
3. As FlyLady says, "Never take out more than you can put back in one hour." I know it's exciting to get things purged, but take your time and do it right.
4. Schedule your pick-up or drop-off day well in advance so that you can work on the mess in small, manageable bits. Even if your house looks like an episode of Hoarders exploded all over it, an emergency cleaning session is just gonna stress you out. Take it slow and make the process as easy and stress-free as possible. You did not accumulate the clutter in the space of one day, so you need not feel pressured to get it immaculate in one day, either.
5. Don't let guilt or regrets weigh you down. Just because you got something for free and/or got a good deal on it (or, worse yet, spent WAY too much on it) doesn't make you obligated to keep it. Likewise with presents that just aren't "you." If you don't love it, let it go -- maybe there's someone out there who needs and wants it. Give those things a good home where they'll be appreciated and loved.
6. Donate and recycle as much as you can. It's good for the environment, the economy, and the soul.
7. Don't feel the need to put it off because you "haven't gotten it all done yet." Do what you can, you can always schedule another pick-up, or find local thrift shops and make dropping things off a regular habit!
...And, in the interest of recycling and reusing, I have found these lovely pics on Flickr. Thanks to the talented ed.ward for his awesome "messy room" photo, and the whimsical joebeone for the "moving boxes" pic! I'm thrilled to give them credit in accordance with Creative Commons. I do try to take my own pics when I can remember to do so, but I appreciate the sharing spirit of my fellow Flickr users. Thanks!
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