Some of my favorite "guilty pleasures" in the world can be bought at the LUSH store. The way I see it, that's not such a bad thing -- LUSH won't make me drunk-dial an ex, give me lung cancer, or raise my cholesterol. That said, it can be somewhat pricey if I need a good fix. Ergo, I have compiled a list of helpful hints and tips to enable you to get the most out of your LUSH stash.
The best advice I can give to anyone who's into LUSH (or thinking of taking the plunge into addiction territory), is to buy what you truly love, but be sure to concentrate on the products that you're actually going to use. Even if you're able to make a killing on a 2-for-1 special at your local LUSH dealer, letting your stuff sit around unused is a sin and a serious waste. Certain items are one-use-only, which are fine for occasional splurging, but to get the most bang for your buck, concentrate the bulk of your LUSH funds on items which will last awhile. Here are my favorites, along with a few tips on how to make your stuff last...

1. SOAPS. While I'm not a bar-soap kinda gal, I have to admit that this is a seriously smart way to get the most for your money. A slice of LUSH soap can be had for anywhere from $6 to $10. While this does seem pricey when you compare it to your typical 3-pack at the 99-cent store, a bar of richly scented LUSH soap can be a real luxury during a quick shower, or even soaking in the bath. One of my personal favorites is the goth-tastic "Demon in the Dark," a minty apple-clove scent that lingers for hours on your skin. Another awesome pick is "Ring of Roses" which is referred to as a buttercream-style soap for its delicate consistency; this is another luscious scent that lasts on your body for quite awhile after your final rinse. For those of you who are looking for something a bit more perky, you may enjoy "Rock Star," described on the LUSH website as a "creamy vanilla sweetie" and comes in a bubblegum pink shade. (I have never used "Karma" soap, but it sounds like it may be one of those long-lasting scents as well. Anyone?) To make your soap last longer, store it in an airtight container away from the shower's disintegrating spray, and only bring it out while you're using it. I also find that using a bath puff or washcloth can help extend the life of your soap. For a bathtime treat, add a bit of water to your container in order to keep your soap nice and soft; dissolve the mushy bits into your bathwater, and enjoy the scent. Or, just use the soap blobs on your puff this way; since only a pea-sized amount will be needed to get you nice and clean, you'll have plenty of showers and baths to enjoy.
2. MASSAGE BARS. A LUSH massage bar is a true luxury item. Smoothing one of these on my skin at night makes me feel as if I'm really pampering myself -- the girly nightly beauty ritual, the lovely scents of each bar, and reaping the benefit of all that soft smooth skin -- it's a wonderful experience. My favorite bar, hands down is the "Tuca Tuca" violet massage bar; at $7.95, it's a real bargain as mine have lasted for weeks and weeks of somewhat regular use. (LUSH also makes a "Tuca Tuca" perfume spray, so this is a great way to try out the scent before buying a bottle of perfume that you may or may not enjoy!) Most of these bars cost a dollar or two more than that, but all are well worth the price due to the effectiveness and the long-lasting joy that they'll bring you. Another great one to try is "Wiccy Magic" -- it's pretty big, fits right inside the LUSH tin with no room to spare! -- and the spicy smell lingers all over my sheets for days after I put it on at night. LUSH massage bars are so lovely and effective that I don't use them every single night, but I do fairly often. They last a nice long time, and so do the great scents and the benefits. It makes them well worth their cost.
3. LIQUID SHAMPOOS/SHOWER GELS. This is what I'd call an absolute "must have" in my LUSH stash. The gels are great for washing your hair, washing your bod, even a quick squirt to hand-wash your delicates in the sink (if you care to "waste" it on your clothes -- though I don't consider it a waste when I can smell the LUSHy goodness all day on my clothes!). You can buy the smaller 8-ounce bottles just to get a feel for something (usually they're around $18), or go wild and get an all-out huge16-ounce bottle of your favorite scent. At nearly $30 for most of the bigger bottles, you might go "Aw hell no!" but trust me -- that big bottle will last you a long-ass time. The beauty of LUSH shower gel is that a little bit goes a very, very long way. The strongest one I've used yet is called "Glogg" and was, regrettably, only available during the winter holiday; I got a tiny bottle in a Christmas gift basket and absolutely adored it. If it's around next year, I fully intend to see about getting a big ol' bottle of it again -- the scent was a heady cinnamon that just HUNG in the bathroom for hours after my shower, and it left my hair smelling good enough to eat all day long. I used it on Wednesdays only, and it actually lasted me a few months! Right now I alternate between "13 Rabbits" which is a chocolatey-ginger scent (not that long-lasting, but does smell strangely good, lathers beautifully, and rinses cleanly) and my trusty old "Flying Fox" honey-jasmine, which I'm just starting to run out of after being positively lavish with it in my baths and showers. "Dirty" is nice too, even if it's technically for guys; it has a lovely clean, minty, herby smell that you can carry with you or even layer if you have the perfume -- I got a sampler box for $20 which contained a shitload of great products to try. One fair warning: LUSH shower gels seem to be a bit harsh on my hair color. Nevertheless, I love the luxurious feeling they give me!
And now... things to avoid... the answer is:
nothing! It's great to try things. If you shop at the store, you can even see what kinds of samples you can get. The staff often has little trial-sized sample pots for sale for a couple of dollars, and this is a wonderful way to explore without feeling hosed. I would avoid going out of my way to buy things like bath bombs or bubble bars, since many of them can only be used once or twice (though the jumbo bubble bars are good for several uses). Also, the toner tabs are fine to try, but not terribly cost-effective at around $2 for a one-use product. That said, they can be wonderfully refreshing and nice if you're in the mood for a treat. The water of the tea-tree toner tab can be saved for a little while in the fridge and used as a spray too, so this double-duty product is worth consideration. If you really want to give yourself a little something nice, check out (or ask someone for) a LUSH gift basket packed with lots of special little things so that you can revel in an array of products at your leisure.
Enjoy! :)