Monday, January 16, 2012

Q: What Do Disco Bandits Eat? A: Disco Fries!

Ordinarily, I try to eat healthy. Honest, I do! Recently I joined Bat Fit 2012, so my next few recipes should be much healthier than this one.

One of the things that I make during hectic holiday seasons is Disco Fries, which I did a little while before my phone died. It is a spectacularly unhealthy dish which I make only rarely, but wonderfully easy and tasty. This is my thrice-yearly guilty pleasure -- especially comforting when the weather's cold, and our day has been busy and tiresome. I usually have the Disco accoutrements on hand, all we need to do is pick up a big order of our favorite spicy fries.

And, before you ask... no, I'm not exactly sure where the term "Disco Fries" originated.  All I really know is that while there are various versions of cheese fries in America and, indeed, the world, fries which are topped in a cheese and brown gravy are known as Disco Fries in the NYC area.  One thing I do know is that if you're getting ready to don some sparkly bell-bottoms and bust a move at your favorite discotheque, you'll need lots of dairy and carbs to keep your booty shaking all night long!

spicy fries -- a serving for as many people as you're feeding!
shredded cheddar cheese
brown gravy (make your own, buy it, steal it... whatevz!)

You can buy some fries at your favorite fryery if you're feeling lazy and/or want that great factory-fresh taste.  Even McDonald's would be OK, but if you can find or make spicy fries, it'll be even better.  After they have been purchased or prepared, place them onto individual plates, and spoon some brown gravy over the fries.  Then sprinkle some cheese over the whole thing.

I've heard that some people melt the cheese in the broiler in the oven, but I just microwave mine for about a minute; I like my cheese a bit on the firm side.  The trick is to keep your little eyes on it, so that it doesn't burn or get nasty.  Just let the cheese melt and the gravy bubble, while feasting your eyes on the majesty of Disco Fries.  Then remove from your heat source, let it cool for a few minutes, and enjoy!

I will leave you now with the Disco Fries song by Parry Gripp, to prepare you for this culinary odyssey.

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