Anyway, this morning I'm off to our local clinic to get myself tested. I've got a VIP houseguest in a few days, and I don't want to pass along the plague!
Sometimes, when you get sick and you're taking antibiotics OR you're reluctant to hop into the shower first thing in the morning because you worry about going outside with a wet head, you may want to hold off showering until later in the day. Or, maybe you have some emergency errands that needs to be done PFQ. Perhaps you've just finished a yoga class, but forgot about that important meeting which starts in (uh oh!) just 15 minutes! Mayhaps you've woken up to no power or hot water (holy crap-oly!!)... Whatever the situation, there may just come a day where you're in need of some alternative solutions. Don't worry, I'm way ahead of you. It is in this spirit that I bring you my recipe for "Febreze for People."
1/2 cup of your favorite lotion, preferably clean-smelling! Think citrus and/or minty!
2 tablespoons of denatured alcohol (rubbing alcohol or hand sanitizer works fine)
3/8 cup of water
OPTIONAL: 1-2 drops of citrusy, tea tree, or mint essential oil
Mix everything together, except for the water. Pour into an 8-oz(ish) spray bottle, top off with the water, and shake well. Whenever you don't have time for a shower or bath, use this solution as a quick refresher. Just spray it onto your body, wipe with any soft cloth, and rub in the excess.
Depending on the lotion, you can use it on your face (don't get in eyes) as an emergency makeup remover. Don't use in your hair or it'll get way greasy -- if your hair feels icky, just use a bit of baby powder to freshen it before your important event.
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